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FMD Update Licenses - SCOTLAND
Region: Scotland
1. Licences Came into force at noon today: Licence No.12 - General licence for the movement of carcases from premises in a Restricted Zone (No.2) - This replaces Licence No. 11. Came into force at 1400 today: Licenc...
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FMD Update 1200 14th Sept 07 - SCOTLAND
Region: National
Scotland FMD UPDATE - 1200 14 Sept 07 Press - Scottish Government cautioned that the press are reporting stories which are not factual. Press statements made by other organisations on Regionalisation is not helpful particularly in trying to take this forward in Europe. All stakeholders will be involved in the debate on regionalisation which i...
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FMD Update 1200 14th Sept 07 - SCOTLAND
Region: Scotland
Scotland FMD UPDATE - 1200 14 Sept 07 Press - Scottish Government cautioned that the press are reporting stories which are not factual. Press statements made by other organisations on Regionalisation is not helpful particularly in trying to take this forward in Europe. All stakeholders will be involved in the debate on regionalisation which i...
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FMD Update 1100 14th Sept 07
Region: National
Current situation: - There are 2 IP~s, the farm culled as dangerous contact was infected. IP 1 the farm identified on 12th Sept 07 is now IP 3 as the virus is the same as the one ealier in August. The slaughter on suspicion farm becomes IP 4. So the August outbreak continues rather than a new outbreak. Defra are investigating a few potential...
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Region: Scotland
1. Licences General licence No.8 - General licence for the movement of laboratory rodents in a Restricted Zone (no. 2) Amends previous version to allow export) General licence No.9 - General licence for the movement of deer carcases General licence No.10 - General licence for the movement of susceptible animals for emergency veterinary treatmen...
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Temporary Control Zone in Norfolk Revoked
Region: National
REVOCATION OF DECLARATION OF THE TEMPORARY CONTROL ZONE DECLARED AT 15:25 ON 12TH SEPTEMBER 2007 1. This declaration is made under article 16(4) of the Foot-and-Mouth Disease (England) Order 2006 (S.I. 2006/182) (“the Order”). It is made in respect of the declaration of a temporary control zone made at 15:25 on 12th September 2007 and taking eff...
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Press Release - Good movement discipline essential for best FMD results
Region: National
Good movement discipline essential for best FMD results. The National Beef Association has called on livestock farmers to maintain their good discipline following yesterday’s (September 12th) FMD outbreak in Surrey and work as well as they did over August to help Great Britain be rid of the virus in the shortest possible time. “We moved through ...
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FMD Update 1500hrs Thursday 13th Sept 07
Region: National
FMD Update 1500 hrs Thursday 13 Sept There is still only 1 IP. 4 report cases have been cleared today, and 3 remain under investigation including the pigs in Norfolk. There have been a total of 8 report cases (1 cleared yesterday). The slaughter on suspicion case on the farm adjoining the IP may well become IP2. The cattle on this holding were a...
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Press Release - NBA Scotland calls on Government to support crippled beef farmers
Region: Scotland
National Beef Association Scotland calls on Government to support crippled beef farmers. National Beef Association Scotland said this latest case of FMD will cripple farmers coming into the most important trading period of the year when many store and finished cattle come forward to sales and pedigree breeders were relying on high prices being pa...
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FMD Update - 13th Sept 07 - SCOTLAND
Region: National
Following on from the stakeholder meeting held last night, there are some developments with regard to the latest licensing arrangements to allow for certain movements. Licensing arrangements currently allow for: Movement of cows for milking along a public highway; Movement for slaughter in an approved slaughterhouse Movement of animals from mark...
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FMD Update - Thursday 13th Sept 07 - DAY 1
Region: National
FMD Update Thursday 13th Sept. Day 1 The IP in Surrey is outside the previous SZ and as yesterday was 40 days from the previous outbreak, this is a new outbreak and today is Day 1. The IP is a suckler herd finishing his own product. He has grazing on several different places (7 probably); most of these are close by but one is further off and thi...
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FMD Update - 12th September 07
Region: National
A suspect case of foot and mouth disease is under investigation at a farm near Chertsey, Surrey. A 10 km Temporary Control Zone has been established and susceptible animals are being pre-emptively slaughtered. Defra are monitoring the situation closely and expect to have initial test results this afternoon. This measure follows an assessme...
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Press Release - Re-establishment of normal movement controls will help beef farmers turn their minds to this season
Region: National
The National Beef Association has welcomed Friday’s (September 7th) confirmation of the clearance of the remaining FMD movement controls and a return to normal management practice. “It gives British beef farmers a much welcomed chance to plan their businesses without the added problems of a 20 day movement standstill, impediments to auction sales...
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Press Release - Only retailers and consumers can prevent UK beef industry moving to teh Last Chance Saloon
Region: National
Only retailers and consumers can prevent UK beef industry moving to Last Chance Saloon. Retailers must give consumers a chance to vote with their purses, wallets and credit cards on the future of the UK beef industry, says the National Beef Association. It warns that if they do not immediately raise shop prices, and allow consumers to show wheth...
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NBA Scotland Priorities and Policies are:-
Region: Scotland
NBA Scotland is dedicated to representing the interests of is members through lobbying of political and administrative decision-makers within the Scottish Executive, Devolved Governments/Administrations and the EU on beef industry related matters. The provision and dissemination of technical information relevant to members businesses and the reg...
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FMD Update - 4th September 07
Region: National
Steps to regaining FMD free-status This information note sets out the steps and timetable for international recognition that the UK has regained its FMD free status. Its purpose is to confirm and clarify for all stakeholders what are the key dates and the changes that will be made on those dates. Some dates are necessarily our best estimate and w...
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FMD Update - New Temporary arrangements for Livestock markets and shows outside of surveillance zone
Region: National
NEW TEMPORARY ARRANGEMENTS FOR LIVESTOCK MARKETS AND SHOWS OUTSIDE OF SURVEILLANCE ZONE From 00:01 on Monday 3 September, livestock markets for cattle, sheep, and pigs will be allowed to resume in England and Wales, outside of the Surveillance Zone in Surrey. Also from this date, animals susceptible to Foot and Mouth Disease can be taken to shows ...
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Press Release - Multiples should use their Beef Clubs...
Region: National
Multiples should use their Beef Clubs to confirm 21-24p per kilo lift in winter finished cattle prices. The beef industry is in need of rescue – so supermarkets and the food service specialists should take advantage of consumers’ growing acceptance that food is becoming more expensive and lift their retail price to accommodate the increased cost ...
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FMD Update - from Scotland
Region: National
Scotland annouces: Defra informed the Scottish Executive Wednesday August 28, that cross border movements from Scottish markets to English farms are now permitted. Similar moves can also occur to Wales. This parallels farm to farm movements which have been permitted since last Thursday. ...
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Press Release - Out of step Asda drops steak price at same time as Morrisons and Tesco raise theirs
Region: National
Out of step Asda drops steak price at same time as Morrisons and Tesco raise theirs. The National Beef Association can confirm that the supermarket chain which imports most beef from the Republic of Ireland (ROI) is retailing top beef cuts for significantly less than those which have elected to buy most heavily from the UK – despite pleas from b...
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