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Press Release - Dairy farmers should anticipate national shorgage of beef breeding heifers in three years time
Region: National
Dairy farmers should anticipate national shortage of beef breeding heifers in three years time. Dairy farmers can benefit from progressively developing shortfalls in domestic beef production by breeding, and rearing, beef cross heifer calves in anticipation of a surge in demand for bulling heifers from much more optimistic suckled calf breeders i...
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Press Release - NBA rejects outright Defra's CRS proposals
Region: National
NBA rejects outright Defra’s CRS proposals. April 20th 2009 The National Beef Association has rejected Defra proposals for disease cost and responsibility sharing (CRS) in England which were put forward in a consultation paper earlier this month. It is the first organisation representing beef farmers to do so publicly and is hoping others will j...
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Press Release - RUMA promotes "as little as possible, but as much as necessary" antibiotic use
Region: National
30 March 2009 PRESS RELEASE RUMA PROMOTES ‘AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE, BUT AS MUCH AS NECESSARY’ ANTIBIOTIC USE, FOR THE GOOD OF ANIMAL HEALTH AND WELFARE Veterinarians need the full range of antibiotics to help protect the health and welfare of Britain’s farm animals, and to help ensure the safety of food derived from those animals. RUMA welcomes t...
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Press Release - Too many movement cards missing for fallen cattle over 48 months old
Region: National
Too many movement cards missing for fallen cattle over 48 months old. Defra’s endemic diseases department has reported that an unacceptably high number of movement cards for fallen cattle over 48 months old are not being submitted to sampling sites along with the carcases, the National Beef Association has warned, Which means the Veterinary Labo...
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Press Release - NBA drives vita, al-UK strategic research policy
Region: National
NBA drives vital, all-UK, strategic research policy. A new, UK-wide, strategic research policy for the beef sector will be launched at Beef Expo 2009 at Malvern in May – and then circulated to government policy officials across both the UK and EU in a co-ordinated effort to re-invigorate disappointingly thin funding streams for much needed develo...
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Press Release - Live imports into the UK from Republic of Ireland help processors to...
Region: National
Live imports into the UK from Republic of Ireland help processors to resist slaughter cattle price increases. Processors operating in Northern Ireland, many of whom also own plants in mainland Britain, are importing huge numbers of live animals from the Republic of Ireland (ROI) for immediate slaughter and this is pulling down prime cattle prices...
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Press Release - Somerfield and Asda should buy more British beef
Region: National
Somerfield and Asda should buy more British beef. The National Beef Association is looking forward to a radical alteration in Somerfield’s beef stocking policy now that it has been taken over by the Co-op. Recent sales information reveals that almost 30 per cent of beef sold through Somerfield is imported. This is in direct contrast to its paren...
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Press Release - Unfounded beef industry contraction must stop
Region: National
Unfounded beef industry contraction must stop. UK beef production is about to plunge to its lowest level since records began, the National Beef Association has warned. And it is set to sink faster and further after reductions, already recorded in breeding herd numbers over 2006-2008, show up in additional falls in abattoir prime cattle throughpu...
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Press Release - Finishers should not sell unless offered higher price than last week
Region: National
Finishers should not sell unless offered higher price than last week. Feeders and finishers in all parts of the UK must do all they can to resist the further downward price pressures forced on them by supermarket interest in cheaper imports from the Republic of Ireland (ROI) otherwise they will find it difficult to take their businesses through t...
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Press Release - Cheaper imports from the Republic of Ireland are making life difficult for UK beef farmers
Region: National
Cheaper imports from the Republic of Ireland are making life difficult for UK beef farmers. Multiple retailers are mixing large volumes of discounted beef from the Republic of Ireland (ROI) with more expensive beef produced within the UK, the National Beef Association can reveal. And this is making it difficult to lift domestic prime cattle price...
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Press Release - Farm assurance protecting British feeders from discounted live imports
Region: National
Farm assurance protecting British feeders from discounted live imports. Farm assurance is protecting British domestic prime cattle prices because current rules prevent animals from the Republic of Ireland (ROI) retaining their assured status if they are slaughtered in the UK. Inexplicably low prices in the ROI, currently around £90-£110 a head l...
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More demand for suckler bred calves predited as beef finishing forced to polarise by huge drop in dairy beef cross calf numbers
Region: National
More demand for suckler bred calves predicted as beef finishing forced to polarise by huge drop in dairy beef cross calf numbers. Demand from feeders searching for store cattle able to graze to slaughter weight, or be finished on mainly silage based diets, will soon be focussed even more heavily on suckler bred calves. This follows the 125,000 h...
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Inefficient MHS must not raise charges before its inspection operations are re-assessed
Region: National
Inefficient MHS must not raise charges before its inspection operations are re-assessed. The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has been told by the National Beef Association that it must honour its promise to modernise the costly and inefficient regulatory system used by the Meat Hygiene Service (MHS). And the Association has also warned that cattle ...
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Press Release - UK beef processors should look harder at export market
Region: National
UK beef processors should look harder at export market. The surge in exports that fuelled the 1992-1995 beef sales boom can be repeated if processors put more effort into meeting the shortfall in high quality cuts that is already developing in major beef eating countries like Italy, Spain and France. This is the view of the National Beef Associ...
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Press Release - Soil sampling can save huge amounts of money
Region: National
Soil sampling can save huge amounts of money. The National Beef Association is urging farmers to save money, without undermining farm productivity, by soil sampling key silage meadows and grazing pastures before dressing them with fertilizer this spring. It says that only around 15 per cent of fertilizer applications are backed by soil analysis ...
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Press Release - Revolutionary retail approach to previously low value forequarter cuts needed
Region: National
NATIONAL BEEF ASSOCIATION (Press statement – No embargo) February 17th 2009 Revolutionary retail approach to previously low value forequarter cuts needed. Retailers and processors can avoid being squeezed by even higher slaughter cattle prices if they adjust their carcase mix and generate more income by being innovative with forequarter beef. ...
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Press Release - Beef Farmers face win-win market situation
Region: National
Beef farmers face win-win market situation Beef farm incomes are being protected from the recession by the enthusiasm domestic consumers are continuing to show for British beef - despite a startlingly high year on year lift in retail prices. The National Beef Association anticipates that even if a domestic cattle supply surplus is created by an ...
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Press Release - Farmers buying fertisliser should hold their nerve on price
Region: National
Farmers buying fertiliser should hold their nerve on price. Farmers are being softened up by the big distribution companies for a lift in fertiliser prices later this month, says the National Beef Association, but at the same time established buying groups expect to continue to offer nitrogen and urea at a substantial discount. And its members i...
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Advice needed now on changes to farm support in 2013 and beyond
Region: National
Advice needed now on changes to farm support in 2013 and beyond. The National Beef Association wants farmers to have as much warning as possible about the level of Single Farm Payment (SFP) they can expect after 2012 when the current support system is expected to end. This is because each of the four UK administrations adopted its own method of...
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Press Release - Delivering to exact deadweight spec will earn finishers more money
Region: National
Delivering to exact deadweight spec will earn finishers more money. Every abattoir is different, even if they belong to the same company, and each of them specialises in selling beef from specific types of cattle to equally individual customers. And so, says the National Beef Association, finishers selling deadweight should not fall into the tra...
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