General License EXD406
15th September 2007
Region: National
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Animal Health Act 1981(as amended)
Foot-and-Mouth Disease (England) Order 2006 – Article 38(2) and Schedule 7
General licence for the movement along a public highway in a Restricted Zone, from one part of a premises to another part of the same premises of:
• dairy animals for milking for the production of milk intended for human consumption or for disposal (due to medicinal withdrawal or colostrum extraction);
• susceptible animals for veterinary treatment;
• susceptible animals for loading onto a vehicle for transport
I being a veterinary inspector appointed by the Secretary of State for the purposes of the Animal Health Act 1981, grant the following licence under Schedule 7, paragraph 1 of the Order:
This licence does not authorise the movement of susceptible animals for loading onto a vehicle for transport before 00:01am on Sunday 16th September 2007.
This licence permits the movement of:
• dairy animals for milking for the production of milk intended for human consumption or for disposal (due to medicinal withdrawal or colostrum extraction)
• susceptible animals for the purpose of receiving veterinary treatment
• susceptible animals for loading onto a vehicle for transport
from one part of a premises to another part of the same premises using a public highway in a Restricted Zone, subject to the conditions in the Schedule.
David Harris
Veterinary Inspector
Date: 15 September 2007
Schedule – Conditions
i) Any animal excreta deposited on public roads must be removed from the part of the road used immediately after the movement is completed.
ii) Where a vehicle is used to move the animals it must be cleansed and disinfected in accordance with Schedule 2 of the Transport of Animals (Cleansing and Disinfection) (England) Order 2003, before the first animal of a batch of animals to be moved is moved and again after the last animal of that batch is moved.
• Failure to observe the measures required in this licence is an offence under Section 73 of the Animal Health Act 1981. The penalty on conviction of an offence under this section is a maximum of six months imprisonment and/or a £5,000 fine.
• Contact your local Animal Health Office or Local Authority for further advice on biosecurity measures and any other legislation that may apply.