National Beef Association
For everyone with an interest in the British beef industry

General License - EXD240

15th September 2007

Region: National


Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Animal Health Act 1981
Foot-and-Mouth Disease (England) Order 2006

General licence for the movement of susceptible animals to slaughter in a Restricted Zone

I being an inspector appointed by the Secretary of State for the purposes of the Animal Health Act 1981, grant the following licence under the Order:

Licence under Schedule 7(1) of the Foot-and-Mouth Disease (England) Order 2006

This licence does not authorise the movement of susceptible animals to slaughter  before 00:01am on Sunday 16th September 2007.

This licence permits the movement of susceptible animals from premises within the Restricted Zone to any approved slaughterhouse, subject to the conditions set out in the Schedule of Conditions attached.

This licence also permits the movement of susceptible animals from another country by sea, into a port in a Restricted Zone for further transit to a slaughterhouse within the Restricted Zone.

An approved slaughterhouse is either a slaughterhouse or other establishment:

(i)  licensed under paragraph 22(2)(a) or 29(2)(a) of Schedule 5 or approved pursuant to paragraph 2 of Schedule 7 of the Foot-and-Mouth Disease (England) Order 2006;

(ii)  licensed under paragraph 22(2)(a) or 29(2)(a) of Schedule 4 or approved pursuant to paragraph 2 of Schedule 6 of the Foot-and-Mouth Disease (Wales) Order 2006; or

(iii)  on the list of slaughterhouses approved from time to time by Scottish Ministers for the purpose of the general licence under Article 5(2), 38(1) and paragraph 1 of Schedule 6 of the Foot-and-Mouth Disease (Scotland) Order 2006 for the movement of foot-and-mouth disease susceptible animals for slaughter in an approved slaughterhouse.

David Harris

Appointed Inspector

Date:  15 September 2007

Schedule - General Licence Conditions

i)  The move must be direct.

ii)  Before the animals are loaded on to the vehicle, the person despatching the animals must be satisfied that the vehicle is clean, with no visible sign of contamination with mud, slurry, used litter or faecal matter.

iii)  Vehicles carrying pigs may not make any scheduled stops. Vehicles carrying other animals may make scheduled stops within the Restriction Zone under and subject to the following conditions:-
(a) The scheduled stop must be at one of the following:-
(i) Motorway service station;
(ii) Proper lay-by on a trunk / main road);
(iii) Lorry park or similar place.
(b) The vehicle must be parked on a hard standing.
(c) The vehicle must be parked at least 100 metres away from any livestock (including those on a livestock vehicle using the same facility).
(d) The vehicle must carry a cleansing and disinfection portable kit (i.e. a bucket, water, disinfectant and a brush) or if none carried, the place in which the vehicle is stopped must have cleansing and disinfection facilities.
(e) Any bedding, litter, dung, urine etc leaking from the vehicle must be cleaned up and the area disinfected before the vehicle leaves; any solid waste material must be bagged and put in a separate compartment on the vehicle to which animals do not have access and taken to the point of destination for disposal.
(f) No transfers of livestock between vehicles (or unloading of livestock except in an emergency) will be allowed at scheduled stopping places.
(g) A record of the place(s) where and time(s) when stopped must be kept by the driver and retained for 6 months.

iv)  Before entering or leaving the premises of origin, the vehicle’s wheels, wheel arches and mudflaps must be cleansed and disinfected. The cleansing and disinfection after loading must take place at a point beyond which no contamination with animal faeces, litter or any similar matter can take place.

v)  After unloading at the premises of destination the parts of the vehicle used to transport anything which might be contaminated with mud, slurry, animal faeces, excretions or any other similar matter must be cleansed and disinfected on site.

vi)  All persons to whom this licence applies shall:
a) wear robust protective clothing and footwear that can be cleansed and disinfected or disposable clothing. The protective clothing must be cleansed and disinfected before leaving any premises from which an animal has been collected and stored outside the driver’s cab. The disposable clothing must not be worn for more than one collection and must be disposed of in a way that no susceptible animal can have access to it;
b) cleanse and disinfect their footwear on entering and leaving premises within the controlled zone; and
c) take all other reasonable precautions to avoid the transfer of contamination between premises.

vii)  A person moving anything under authority of a general licence granted under the Order must carry with him at all times during the licensed movement, a consignment note which contains details of what is moved, including its quantity; the date of the movement; the name of the consignor; the address of the premises from which the movement started; the name of the consignee; and the address of the premises of destination. On demand made by an inspector, or other officer of the Secretary of State, the person moving anything under authority of a general licence must produce the consignment note and allow a copy or extract to be taken; and on such demand provide his name and address.

• Cleansing and disinfection of vehicles must be in accordance with Article 45 of the Foot-and-Mouth Disease (England) Order 2006 in England, and Schedule 2 of the Transport of Animals (Cleansing and Disinfection) Order 2003 in England.

• All movements are subject to the animals being properly identified and accompanied by the appropriate duly completed movement documentation. In the case of cattle this will be the passport and for other species the relevant completed AML form. The movements must also be reported within 3 days - to BCMS in the case of cattle (either by using CTS-online or by completing and posting one of the movement cards in the passport) and to the local authority for other species (by sending a copy of the AML form to the Local Authority).

• Failure to observe the measures required in this licence is an offence under Section 73 of the Animal Health Act 1981. The penalty on conviction of an offence under this section is a maximum of six months imprisonment and/or a £5,000 fine.

• Contact your local Animal Health office or Local Authority for further advice on biosecurity measures and any other legislation that may apply.