FMD Update 1300 15th August 07
15th August 2007
Region: National
Proposed Welfare Movements 15 August (11.50 Final)
All proposals assume movements currently allowed under amendments to the existing general licence are able to continue.
To be operational on Thursday 16th August (00h01):
1. General licence: permitting within-holding movements of all susceptible animals for welfare reasons. Moves to be over a distance of no more than 3km distance , and may include movement along a public road. Moves must be subject to biosecurity (cleaning of roads, vehicles if involved etc)
2. Specific Licence: to alleviate acute or anticipated welfare problems in pigs: movements will be allowed from breeding units to grower units, and grower units to finishing units on the basis that:
• For units that are registered as a compartment with AH (i.e. as connected/pyramid/primo exempted):
i. The move is subject to a veterinary inspection, at the farmers’ expense, by an [LVI/OV/TVI] who would usually be a member of the Pig Veterinary Society. The inspection will confirm that in the absence of movement a welfare problem would exist;
ii. Veterinary inspection to confirm that there is no evidence of FMD in any pigs on the premises. All pigs to be inspected not more than 6 hours prior to loading;
iii. The distance is no more than 50km, or 100km where the end destination is empty at the start of the transfer process (in cases where it is necessary to transfer more than one load from the same premises);
iv. Pig movements within the registered premises over a distance less than 3km are covered by the within-holding General Licence;
v. All relevant equipment and personnel are subject to C&D.
vi. The [LVI/OV/TVI] has confirmed that the end destination is part of the registered compartment in question;
• For units that are not registered, clauses i.-v apply. In addition, a 20-day standstill will apply to all susceptible animals on the destination premises, which must also be approved as suitable for receipt of the pigs by a veterinarian [LVI/OV/TVI.
Thursday 23rd August (00h01, Plans to be put in place to allow the following to be operational, subject to no further change in disease situation):
1. General Licence: permitting any within-holding movement of all susceptible animals. Moves to be over a distance of no more than 3km radius , and may include movement along a public road. Moves must be subject to biosecurity (cleaning of roads, vehicles if involved etc)
2. General licence: to hold collection centres to enable the collection and distribution of livestock direct to slaughter, where the highest level of biosecurity and traceability can be maintained.
On Friday 24th August
3. The core-group of stakeholders will meet Defra on 24 August to review the current position and forward plans. The European Standing Committee of Food Chain and Animal Health (SCoFCAH) plans to meet on 23 August to review the safeguard decision taken on 6 August prohibiting intra-Community trade in live animals and their products. A new decision is likely to be taken on 23 August. The core-group will reflect on the terms of any new Decision, how well the licensing arrangements are working, the current disease risk assessment and discuss, if possible, a more concrete timeline for planning purposes.
8th Sept: Under standard EU provisions normal movements can not be resumed before this date and a number of conditions need to be met before a date for resumption can be agreed.
Press Notice FINAL 15th August
Foot and Mouth outbreak update- Surrey
Debby Reynolds, Chief Veterinary Officer has today set out the following:
• the latest Epidemiological Report has been published;
• changes to current restrictions on animal movement in support of welfare; and
• the standing down of vaccination teams, provided that initial negative results from the Temporary Control Zones (TCZs) in Kent and Surrey are followed by negative results from the final tests.
The latest Epidemiology Report into the outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease in Surrey was published today. It concludes that the risk of disease spread outside of the Surrey Protection and Surveillance Zones is now very low. This conclusion is an important part of the totality of our veterinary assessment of the current disease situation. Based on that assessment the Government is today announcing a package of changes to the current restrictions on animal movements, which should alleviate some specific welfare problems. These have been developed in partnership with industry.
Based on the overall risk assessment, including the findings of the Epidemiology Report and initial negative tests from the TCZs, the CVO will stand down vaccination teams from their current level of alert, provided initial negative results from the TCZs in Kent and Surrey are confirmed, and that there is no change in the disease situation. Teams could be stood up again in five days, if needed.
Government and industry will continue to work closely in partnership together.
The Secretary of State Hilary Benn met yesterday with key food chain stakeholders. Prior to the meeting a core group of stakeholders worked in partnership with Defra to develop joint proposals for changes to movement restrictions to alleviate specific welfare problems. Those attending recognised these problems created by the restrictions and supported the proposal to make changes. They also recognised the need to provide businesses with greater certainty on the likely timeline for future changes, so that they can plan more effectively. Key dates were discussed in a timeline leading to disease-free status, and they agreed to work closely together over the coming weeks to deliver it, while recognising that the timeline is subject to no further cases being confirmed.
Debby Reynolds said :
“We are grateful to the industry for its tremendous help to date in support of efforts to control this outbreak. Vigilance and biosecurity remain top priorities for all. We understand the industry’s need for information about likely next steps to help manage the pressures and to plan going forward. In light of the present disease situation and the assessment today of the very low risk of disease spread outside the Surveillance Zone, we have agreed with stakeholders a set of changes to movement restrictions designed to alleviate the most acute welfare problems. These changes form the next step in our ongoing risk-based, staged approach to movement controls. They will be informed by any changes in the disease situation.”
The core group of stakeholders said:
“In developing this work with Defra we have been acutely aware of the pressures which individual businesses across the food chain are facing. It is hoped that this clear package of movement changes will help alleviate some of the immediate welfare problems. We are hopeful that the timetable will give businesses some basis upon which to plan and make decisions.
Vigilance and compliance with the new and existing rules are of critical importance. Failure by anyone to do this puts at risk both the timetable and therefore our ability to return to normality.”
Notes for Editors
To include
• Detail of proposed movement changes [include fill thing or insert link to Defra website]
• The Core Group of stakeholders is comprised of senior individuals from the following organisations, attending in a personal capacity:
Ben Messer Bennetts (Livestock Auctioneers Association)
Duff Burrell (National Beef Assocation)
Kevin Pearce (NFU)
Peter Morris (National Sheep Association)
Stewart Houston (British PigExecutive)
Stuart Roberts (British Meat Packers Association)
• The Epidemiology Report is available on the Defra website at : [insert link]
• RSPCA helpline number
• Line on movements of people (to follow)