Press Release - NBA supports Secretary of State Caroline Spelman on whole-UK approach to CAP reform
23rd November 2011
Region: National
NBA supports Secretary of State Caroline Spelman on whole-UK approach to CAP reform.
The National Beef Association (NBA) congratulates Caroline Spelman, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, for her comments last week about presenting a “united front” to Europe from England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
She said acting together during the initial stages of the CAP reform would achieve the best possible deal for farmers and taxpayers, and the NBA supports this approach.
Hamish McBean, NBA Chairman and also NBA Scotland Chairman, says: “CAP reform is a very important subject and if we can go forward as one it could make all the difference. We gain strength from all singing from the same hymn sheet and that is vital in these early stages, especially when faced with a battle over some of the greening proposals currently on the table.
“Different interpretations of the CAP may be best for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland in time, but we all need to stand together now to present a united front to Europe and get the best deal for all UK farmers in the future.”
For more information contact:-
Hamish McBean 01309 651206 or 07729 357880
Hamish is currently chairing the NBA Board and Review Committee, charged with taking the NBA forward for the future.