FMD Update 1200 17th Sept 07
18th September 2007
Region: National
There were 4 IP~s. 107 cases were negative. 3 under investigation, those include the pigs which were slaughtered on Saturday.
SCOFCAH meet Tuesday 18th September and is expected to meet on 2nd/3rd October 07. EU likely to be more cautious in allowing export and quite possibly meat will be allowed before live exports but it is early days.
Completion of primary cleansing and disinfecting + 30 days is probably the important calculation.
The Secretary of State was very clear that vaccination is a distant option at this stage.
Timelines and licences are being worked up. We are still needing epidemiology and tracings to move forward sensibly.
0800 Tuesday 18th Sept 07
FMD confirmed in sheep in IP5. These maybe the missing part of the jigsaw.
Vigilance is critical.