Why be an NBA Member?
The NBA is a charitable organisation with a single focus on the British Beef Industry.
We aim to represent the voice of our membership to policy makers to bring about positive change for our industry.
We also provide technical support, legal advice, events and services to our membership to support their businesses
Without the support of our members our work would not be possible.
As part of the NBA Manifesto, we will lobby for the following:
• The recently introduced UK Food Security Index to have a targeted level of increase over the next parliament.
• To ensure environmental gain but not at the expense of food production; the status of UK-wide, coordinated, food production is of first and foremost importance.
• A full review of pricing and fairness to be carried out across the beef supply chain.
• Current successful TB policy and proposed strategy to be maintained across England and introduced in Wales.
• To ensure future trade deals that include beef are fair and transparent, and to exclude those countries with production and welfare standards below those of the UK.
• For all agriculture budgets to be linked to inflation and increased annually by a corresponding amount.
• The option to offset the value of retained or purchased females which maintain or increase a suckler herd, against capital allowances.
• The rapid introduction of EID technology compatible across the UK.
• Ensure rural communities are put front and centre of all agricultural policies UK wide.
Members benefits include:
- Representation in Government Policy - Neil Shand CEO and NBA Directors meet regularly with Government officials including EC, Defra, Seerad, NAWAD, DardNI to represent members opinions.
- Free NBA Magazine - published quarterly and produced in-house, the magazine covers a range of topics including technical articles, featured case studies, policy reports, health and nutrition articles, regional round-ups and much more.
- Free Weekly newsletter - sent every friday, by email, to keep you up to date with all the NBA and Industry news.
- Free Use of the NBA Terms and Conditions of Sale for Pedigree Cattle. Non members pay £20 per animal.
- Members-only Area of the NBA's website.
- Priority Booking for Regional meetings and forums - The NBA run a range of regional meetings, farm walks and road shows, in conjunction with our Industry Sponsors, to provide our members with the latest technical information and knowledge sharing opportunities.
- Opportunity to sit on an NBA Regional Committee - NBA committees act as a key knowledge transfer tool from farm practitioners to Board Directors, and we welcome member input.
As an NBA member this website gives you full access to all NBA information from historical archives on association governance to the current policy position, market trends and prices as well as tracks the issues that are important to you.
The NBA is recognised as a consultative body and has seats on a wide range of beef related national industry committees.
You can join the NBA online by clicking HERE
Alternatively for a Membership Form you can either download it as a pdf from the bottom of this page or contact Head office on 01434 601005 or by email at [email protected]